Monday, August 1, 2011

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Another way to write for extra income online

I've found another great site that you can use to earn extra income online, it's called Best-Reviewer.  all you have to do is sign up, then write a short article describing what you think are the Top 5 best things in a particular category (can be anything), and then you'll start earning ad revenue as people read the article and click on ads!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Another way to make money online...

I just found another great resource for making money online.  It's called Deadbeat Super Affiliate and it'a a great system that helps you out if you want to set up a residual income from home.  It's great for anyone who wants to earn a little extra, or maybe even quit their job once they're earning a bit more and want to break free.  Check it out!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Squidoo working well

My Squidoo pages are going well, shouldn't be long before I start seeing some income from them.

Check some of them out here:

This one's about age of empires:

LEGO lens:

Let me know what you think!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Another way to earn money blogging

Even if you don't create your own blog, you can earn money writing online.

How, you ask? By creating Squidoo lenses!

A squidoo lens is just a web page with information on one specific topic (preferaby one you know something about!). Squidoo publishes your lens, and then shares half of the ad revenue with the lensmasters who have the most successful lenses.

Here are a few of my lenses as examples:
Easy ways to Buy Individual Lego Pieces


Squidoo provides easy tools to make lenses, and you can make as many as you want for free!  So get started making lenses (and money) now!

Saturday, July 10, 2010


Do you have a hobby or interest that you'd like to share? Are you an expert in a particular area?

If so, you can make money and share your passion at the same time by blogging!

Blogging is fun and easy (and did I mention free?). To get started, go to There you can set up a blog focused on literally anything you want. If you know all about gardening in Ohio, for example, you can start a blog specializing in that specific area. Blogger makes setting up such a blog easy, and you have lots of options to customize your blog.

After you've created your blog, you should start posting content for your blog. Write articles, upload pictures, and update readers on what's new in your topic. If you do your job well, and get out the word about your blog, hopefully you will establish a loyal following.

If you want to make money using this new blog, it's easy. All you need to do is set up your blog to display advertisements, much like the ones you see to your right on this page. The ads on your blog will be targeted to your readers however, so there's a good chance that they will actually be interesting to your readers. For example, if your blog is about gardening in Ohio, your ads might be from seed companies or manufacturers of garden implements. Every time a reader clicks one of these ads, you get paid for your services.

Setting up ads with blogger is easy. Just click the monetize tab, and set up an account with AdSense. This makes it easy to add relevant ads to your blog. You probably won't get rich doing nothing but blogging (although some people probably have), but you can make some money and help promote your hobby at the same time!

For example, I run a blog called The Quoth Blog, which is all about bringing people quotes from great books. I've taken my interest in reading an made it into a blog, and now can earn some cash from it.

So there it is, my easy steps to blogging and earning some spare cash. I hope these tips help you, and happy blogging!